[Big Sack] - Débarras de déchets de chantier et d'encombrants

They talk about us

How does it work?

Step 1Buy your Big Sack

Order your Big Sack online and we will send it to you by post within 3 working days.

Step 2 Fill your Big Sack

Fill your Big Sack with the permitted waste. The Big Sack must not exceed 1.5 tonnes.

Step 3Order a pickup

Book your pickup online and our trucks will pick up your bag!

Types de déchets

Mobilier, bois, emballages, objects composites, cartons souillés, plastiques, etc.

Plusieurs types de déchets mélangés et nécessitant un tri.

Bois non souillé, terre végétale, carton, béton propre, déchets verts

Attention : s’il y a plusieurs types de déchets dans un Big Sack, il sera considéré comme déchets à trier

Gravats, briques, tuiles, dalles, plâtre, pierres, carrelages, etc.

Attention : s’il y a plusieurs types de déchets dans un Big Sack, il sera considéré comme déchets à trier

Amiante fortement aggloméré

Incluant la peinture et les boites de peinture vides

Piles et batteries en tout genre

Déchets alimentaires en tout genre

Produits liquides en tout genre (produit vaisselle, huiles, etc.)

Bouteilles de gaz et contenants sous pression


Envoyez-nous votre message et nous vous répondrons dans les plus brefs délais. Vous pouvez également nous appeler directement au 0800 284 284.

Où puis-je utiliser Big Sack ?

Nous débarrassons vos déchets dans toute la Suisse
(sauf les cantons des Grisons et Tessin).

Who is Big Sack for?

Pourquoi nous choisir ?

Big Sack est la solution idéale pour l’évacuation de vos encombrants et déchets en tout genre.

Acheter Big Sack


Évacuez facilement tous vos déchets.


Nous collectons vos déchets sous 24 à 48h


Nos sacs peuvent contenir jusqu’à 1,5 tonne.


Tarifs très compétitifs

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the advantages of Big Sack with lids?
The lid serves as protection against the elements: the upper part of the bag acts as a lid, shielding your waste from rain, snow, dust, or other environmental elements. In addition to that, the lid provides enhanced security for the waste bag. It prevents easy access to the bag's contents, making it more difficult for third parties to deposit waste.
2. Who picks up the Big Sack when they are filled?
Big Sack offers a pickup service throughout Western Switzerland and in the canton of Bern. Thanks to our network of partners, we can collect your Big Sack quickly and efficiently. We ensure that we use partners close to you and optimise the pickup rounds to minimise the environmental impact.
3. Can I have several Big Sack picked up at the same time?
In most cases, we can collect up to 10 Big Sack at once. For larger quantities, our crane truck will pick them up in batches, with no impact on our rates.
4. How do I request the pickup of my Big Sack?
You can request a pickup directly on our website or by calling us on 0800 284 284.
5. How quickly can Big Sack do the pickup?
Once your request for pickup has been received, the crane truck usually comes within 24 to 48 hours.
6. Do I need permission from my local authority to use Big Sack?
In most cases, you won't require a permit to use Big Sack, particularly when they are stored on private property. However, if you plan to place them on public roads or spaces, potentially affecting traffic, a permit may be necessary. We recommend contacting your local authority in such cases. Please be aware that you will be responsible for any costs associated with obtaining the required permit.
7. Do I have to be at home for the Big Sack pickup?
No, you do not need to be present if the driver has easy access to your Big Sack. The driver will have to manually attach the straps of your Big Sack to the crane which requires direct access. Caution: make sure there are NO obstacles to the crane such as power lines or tree branches.
8. Can I fill my Big Sacks to the brim?
Yes, you can fill your Big Sack to the brim, but please ensure that the waste doesn't excessively overflow from the bag. The driver should have no trouble attaching the straps of your Big Sack to the crane for pickup.
9. Are Big Sack single use?
Yes. Once used, Big Sack become fragile and should not be reused, as they might break during the second pickup. We either give them a new purpose or recycle them along with the rest of the disposed waste.
10. What happens to the waste collected by Big Sack?
All collected waste is transported to a recycling centre approved by public authorities. Thanks to Big Sacks, waste can be easily sorted at the source, thereby promoting recycling and further processing.
11. Are there any additional charges in addition to the website's displayed price?
No. Big Sack works in full transparency and the fixed prices displayed on our site are applicable throughout Western Switzerland and in the canton of Berne. The prices include both transportation costs and recycling fees. The prices remain unaffected by the final weight of the waste within the bag. However, if the declared waste type does not match the actual contents during pickup, Big Sack reserves the right to charge any price difference.
12.Who is myclimate?
myclimate is a partner for climate protection at both local and global levels. They offer your company solutions for active engagement in sustainability and climate protection. Click here for their website.
13. Why collaborate with myclimate?
We created this partnership with myclimate to further our commitment to climate protection and reduce our carbon footprint. Our collaboration with myclimate allows us to contribute CHF 3 per "Green" sack sold to climate protection projects.
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What our customers say

We keep our promises. See for yourself.

Rated 5.0 on Google

Big Sack's service is simply brilliant. Immediately after we placed our order, we received a Big Sack in the post, we filled it with various waste products from work we had done ourselves and, once the bag was full, we asked for it to be collected and once the bag was full, we asked for it to be collected on the day we requested.

Massimo Lecci

I had the pleasure of trying the services of Big Sack for the first time. A young, responsive and reliable company that lived up to my expectations. The bags are solid and quickly delivered. I would like to thank the team for their excellent work.

Jean-Martial Pfister

Thank you very much for your availability and your efficiency. I will not hesitate to recommend you if I am asked for a waste management solution!

Anton Chambon

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